“Handbags are an investment,” we remind ourselves when we treat ourselves to one. So, keep in mind that the condition of your bag will affect its future value. Let’s face it: as much as we want and need to carry our favorite handbags, the wear and tear that comes with that use is unavoidable. Bags in pristine condition are usually that way because they have never been used. Assuming your bags are more than just closet decorations, paying attention to detail may go a long way.
Here are some suggestions to keep in mind to guarantee that your bag portfolio withstand the test of time:
Tip #1: Clean Your Bag
The most critical step in prepping your handbags for storage is the first. Rebag promises to ensure that your bag emerges from storage looking better than ever. Cleaning and conditioning your bag will ensure that it is well cared for before entering.
First and foremost, ensure that your luggage is clean. Deep cleaning before storage is much more important than regular cleaning. Learn about Rebag-approved cleaning techniques for general cleaning advice, as well as our suggested spot treatment solutions for tougher stains.

Tip #2: Stuff It
Nobody loves a handbag that is out of shape. Changes to the original design, whether smushed, stretched, sagging, or squashed, are frustrating and (often) avoidable. When keeping your handbags, a filler will help it maintain its original form. Filling the bag with bubble wrap or unscented white tissue paper is a simple way to do this. Again, a bag insert works wonders when using the bag.
To avoid leaving marks on the leather of bags with straps, tuck the strap within the bag. The package would be wonderful if a chain strap was layered with tissue.

Tip #3: Tuck Away Extra Accessories
If your habdbags have additional features or attachments, try wrapping and putting them away. Chains or hefty handles that are allowed to rest against the bag will leave indentations in the material. If it’s a detachable feature, you may remove it, wrap it in a clean paper towel, and tuck it into the bag’s stuffing. If you can’t remove it, simply wrap it in a clean paper towel to reduce friction between the feature and the bag’s body.

Tip #4: Cover Up
When you got your handbag home from the store, it most likely came with or in its own dust bag. Once cleaned and filled, return the bag to its dust bag for safekeeping. This will keep dust and mold at bay until the next time it is used. If you can’t find a dust bag, a pillow cover will suffice. Just make sure the towel you choose is white or cream to avoid color transfer.
Tip #5: Create Custom Furniture
Creating your own personalized wardrobe is one of the most effective methods to keep your luggage without destroying them. If you have the opportunity to devote some time to this craft, take advantage of it. In such a manner that you may design numerous hangers, shelves, and dividers for the bags in your collection, which often come in a variety of forms and sizes.
You will be able to properly optimize the area this way. Furthermore, a personalized piece of furniture helps you to organize your belongings so that you know where your Louis Vuitton shopping bag or Clutch from any other brand is.
A dehumidifier will help protect not just your handbags but clothes, jackets and shoes from the humidity. It’s supposed to be good for you too, so well worth the investment!
What tips do you follow for handbag storage? Share your tips and advice with us here.